Archive for the ‘7 out of 10’ Category

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Borne by Jeff Vandermeer


A post apocalyptic world with biotech creatures. A splendid sci-fi. Unusually our reading group, who don’t take to sci-fi also gave it 7/10.

Score 7/10

Date read November 2017

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Comments Off on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick


A classic ahead of it’s time novel, and this is the inspiration of the cult film Blade Runner.

Score 7.5/10

Date read November 2017

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Comments Off on On Golden Hill by Francis Spufford

On Golden Hill by Francis Spufford


“A gem of a book. And highly recommended. 1746 an Englishman arrives off the boat in New York with a bill of £1000, a huge amount. He needs a trader to exchange the bill for cash, but only has 0 days. No one trusts him… read it! Our book group loved it too 7.5/10 all around.

Score 7.5/10

Date read October 2017

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Comments Off on The Party by Elizabeth Day

The Party by Elizabeth Day


I’m in high scoring mood. 7.5 for this. I’m in high scoring mood. 7.5 for this. Every now and again a book hits the spot, this one did. Not perfect and I’d have liked a more explosive ending. Satirical tale of obsession, misplaced loyalties, and class. A good English novel. Yes there are couples out there and people like this!

Score 7.5/10

Date read October 2017

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