Comments Off on This Book Will Save Your Life by A.M. Holmes

This Book Will Save Your Life by A.M. Holmes


“An interesting book but I’m not sure what the point is.
Our protagonist has lost his way and cuts himself off from the world, but when he has a heart scare and needs help things begin to change.
Ultimately a feel good book which failed to work on me.

Score 5/10

Date read December 2007

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”

Comments Off on Night Prey by John Sandford

Night Prey by John Sandford


“Run of the mill detective thriller
Two weeks after reading this I can’t remember the plot or the title.

Score 4/10

Date read December 2007

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”

Comments Off on A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemmingway

A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemmingway


“Not his best and written during his time as a struggling author.
Interesting history of Paris and the other writers who circled there at this period…Ezra Pound, James Joyce, F Scott Fitzgerald.
All I’ll say is I’m glad it was a short book!

Score 5/10

Date read December 2007

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”