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West Seattle Blues by Chris Nickson


“Garbage, not worth giving the time up to read, why publish this?

Score 1/10

Date read August 2016

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”

Comments Off on I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh

I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh


“A very good British thriller. A debut novel too.
How is it some thrillers hit the spot and others don’t? This one does…a hit and run results in the death of a young child. Haunted with guilt our protagonist does what you’d expect in real life, she packs her bags and runs away to start a new life.
Full of brooding atmosphere, I’m recommending this one. 7.5/10

Score 7.5/10

Date read August 2016

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”

Comments Off on Black Eyed Susans by Julia Heaberlin

Black Eyed Susans by Julia Heaberlin


“A thriller with a twist, OK nothing unusual with that, the twist is the story is told from the perspective of the victim. It doesn’t spend a lot of time chasing or giving clues to whom the serial killer is.
The victim has memory loss after a killer dumps her in a mass grave, psychiatrists come and go, but sooner or later she needs to help the innocently imprisoned man for the serial murders.
BC score 6/10 mine 4/10 (instantly forgettable!)

Score 4/10

Date read August 2016

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”