Archive for the ‘7 out of 10’ Category

Comments Off on Beer and Cigarettes by George Orwell

Beer and Cigarettes by George Orwell


Not really a novel, essays by the genius that is Orwell. I loved his musing on why working class people in the 30’s thought books expensive and didn’t see the need, but spent as much on cigarettes. It rambles on bit later but such a short book, A glimpse into the thoughts from a period of time.

Score 7/10

Date read June 2019

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Comments Off on Convenience Store Woman by Sayata Murata

Convenience Store Woman by Sayata Murata


An international hit from Japanese author. Our BookPub read. Why I like Japanese authors and their writing is it’s different to English/American and this might me 1/ it’s translated 2/ only the best stuff reaches my attention. Our protagonist is not like other people, she doesn’t have ambition, doesn’t fit in, thinks differently. When she tries to fit in she looses her soul. A lovely book, do read it. Now I’m writing this review I’ve decided I like it more than I thought! our group scored 6.5

Score 7/10

Date read June 2019

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Comments Off on Everything Under by Daisy Johnson

Everything Under by Daisy Johnson


Masterly writing and an interesting story, not one you can just trot through. It stretches your imagination and has thought provoking events and characters. Gretel, is looking for her mother around the canals of Oxfordshire. When she was a teenager, they lived alone on a houseboat, but mother Sarah abandoned her, she ended up in foster care. Sixteen years later, Gretel receives a short phone call from her mother and vows to find her. Listed for the Booker, not bad for a debut novel

Score 7/10

Date read March 2019

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Comments Off on The Story of Lucy Gault by William Trevor

The Story of Lucy Gault by William Trevor


Now here’s an author I strongly recommend. His writing is perfectly formed, you’ll never trip around in a sentence. His stories are gently and touching. nine years old Lucy is she confused by the decision her parents make to leave Ireland for a time due to the troubles and their fear of harm coming to them. She decided to run away, her parents believe she had drowned and the tragic story expands. A novel like this is why I read fiction in the modern fiction genre.

Score 7.5/10

Date read March 2019

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