Comments Off on The Women of the Fifth by Douglas Kennedy

The Women of the Fifth by Douglas Kennedy


“Despite an odd ending I did enjoy this book and his style of writing, the pages moved fast.
Discarded and disgraced lecturer from USA ends up in Paris. Struck by illness things go from bad to worse. But on meeting the mysterious Margaret Kadar his luck changes…or does it?

Score 6.5/10

Date read November 2007

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”

Comments Off on Engelby by Sebastian Faulks

Engelby by Sebastian Faulks


“I was so keen on this that I’ve been recommending it everyone I know, female readers seem less enamoured.
I listened to the audiobook narrated brilliantly by Michael Maloney.
Sinister tale of Engelby which begins with him at Uni and falling for a pretty girl, then we go back to Public school where things first started to go wrong. His nickname is inspired ‘Toilet’
Top title.

Score 9/10

Date read November 2007

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”

Comments Off on White Corridor by Christopher Fowler

White Corridor by Christopher Fowler


“Featuring the two 80 year old PCU (Peculiar crime unit) detectives is a light humoured answer to The X Files.
I’ve enjoyed others in the series more than this one.

Score 5/10

Date read November 2007

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”

Comments Off on Equinox by Michael White

Equinox by Michael White


“Far fetched British thriller covering apothecary and pagan rituals.
He ties Isaac Newton into the plot and suggests that Newton was madly connecting the Planets by murdering victim will provide eternal life.
I’d say Enid Blyton meets Scooby Doo

Score 3/10

Date read November 2007

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”