Comments Off on The Taxidermist’s Daughter by Kate Mosse

The Taxidermist’s Daughter by Kate Mosse


“The Gothic story begins well with a midnight ceremony in the local church, birds fly out into the night and strange characters are ominously present.
Kate Mosse has lived in the Fishbourne and Chichester area and here is the setting for The Taxidermist’s Daughter. She knows the area no doubting that, perhaps for me a little too much local knowledge is demonstrated and less would have been more.
Where I felt the book wasn’t for me was I couldn’t get the Gothic style of the novel, I wanted more sinister and scary style.
Our book club had similar comments and overall we scored the novel 3.75/10

Score 3/10

Date read

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”

Comments Off on Tigerman by Nick Harkaway

Tigerman by Nick Harkaway


“Here’s a breath of fresh air into the arena. Funny, tender and crafted, certainly inventive.
I’d like to see/read more of his, and wouldn’t it be good for some of the characters to appear in future books.
Take small island in the pacific which is due to expire, add a straight out of military combat burnt out soldier in the role as British colonial sergeant. He befriends a comic book reading teenager and they embark on creating Tigerman.
If you ever get a chance to see Nick Harkaway giving a talk or reading do grab the opportunity, he is a real gent and passionate about books and reading, plus he is an excellent author. 8/10

Score 8/10

Date read

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”

Comments Off on The Chessmen by Peter May

The Chessmen by Peter May


“I really like Peter May’s Scottish mysteries.
This one has a real sense of place and he brings it alive.
My only gripe is the ending isn’t as strong as the rest of the story/plot, but don’t let that deter you from reading this very well done thriller. 7.5/10

Score 7.5/10

Date read November 2014

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”

Comments Off on Vanished by Tim Weaver

Vanished by Tim Weaver


“A fresh new thriller novelist who has climbed the bestseller list.
An interesting angle in that his books are threaded with a missing persons theme.
London based and well done, I liked it. I also met Tim and he is a thoughtful and good speaker, I’ll read more of his. 6/10

Score 6/10

Date read November 2014

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”