Comments Off on Free Wheeling Around Ireland by Edward Enfield

Free Wheeling Around Ireland by Edward Enfield


“Another travelog. Enjoyable, easy and what a nice man.
Interesting but not memorable.

Score 6/10

Date read April 2007

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”

Comments Off on Vampirates by Justin Somper

Vampirates by Justin Somper


“Twins are split up a sea after their poor father has died.
Each is picked up, one by Pirates and the other…you guessed it a Vampirates ship.
For a teen read this is great stuff…not sure how a real teenager would like it, still its selling.

Score 7/10

Date read April 2007

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”

Comments Off on Semi Detached by Griff Rhys Jones

Semi Detached by Griff Rhys Jones


“This Richard and Judy pick which was bought for me by my adorable partner, meant I had to read it, groan.
TV celeb GRJ’s autobiog begin from the earliest days to present. This writing reminds me what good writing is and this isn’t. Often I’d have to reread passages to make sense of them.
I never warmed to him and finished wondering why I’d bothered.

Score 4.5/10

Date read April 2007

What would your score for this book be? Please post your comments below.”