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The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga


Booker winning novel
Modern day India is the setting from this debut novel.
A story of rags to riches, murder and class is all interwoven in this fairly simply styled novel.
I liked it but then felt…not that bothered and detached from the story.

Score 6/10

Date read December 2008

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Comments Off on The Clothes on Their Backs by Linda Grant

The Clothes on Their Backs by Linda Grant


The writing in this novel is faultless and gives the reader a wonderful sense of time and place.
London 1977, Hungarian immigrants who have fled to the UK during the war. Now the daughter who has no sense of history meets her Uncle Sandor.
Loosely based on a true character. This is a terrific read.

Score 7/10

Date read December 2008

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