Archive for the ‘7 out of 10’ Category

Comments Off on Armadillo by William Boyd

Armadillo by William Boyd


This novel trots along very nicely. A young man from migrant family reinvents himself, he’s an insurance loss adjuster and his life takes a turn when he arrives to find the client he is investigating hanged. It reminds me a bit of Philip Marlowe character. I’m recommending this one. Oh and don’t think this is a dark novel it certainly has it’s humorous moments.

Score 7/10

Date read March 2018

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Comments Off on Nineteen Eighty by David Peace

Nineteen Eighty by David Peace


Third in the quartet and it doesn’t get any easier. Has to be done though.

Score 7/10

Date read March 2018

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Comments Off on American Gods by Neil Gaiman

American Gods by Neil Gaiman


I doubt people will be unaware of this book, it has been made into a very good TV drama which does justice to the book. This novel is full of interest and ideas that push the reader out of the comfort zones. I liked it.

Score 7/10

Date read May 2018

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Comments Off on The Red Haired Woman by Orhan Pamuk

The Red Haired Woman by Orhan Pamuk


A big split at the book club who found this to be a Marmite novel, average 5.25/10 but I liked it for it’s characters and setting, who couldn’t like a story about well diggers. Give it a go.

Score 7/10

Date read December 2017

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